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Environment quality

Our system helps you safeguard the health and safety of the residents and employees living and working in your facilities. Real-time environment monitoring.

Airsense CO2


CO2 concentration (ppm), Relative humidity (%), temperature (°C)

The sensor is designed to measure the indoor concentration of CO2, humidity, and temperature. The sensor is battery-powered and transmits the measured data wirelessly via the gateway to the cloud. 

  • Measurement error 2-5% 

  • No limits of compatibility

  • Radio connection via gateway

  • Easy installation

  • 1 input

  • 1 year battery lifetime


Airsense CO₂ monitors temperature, humidity and CO₂ levels in a room/building



Relative humidity (%), temperature (°C)

The sensor is designed to measure indoor humidity and temperature. The sensor is battery-powered and transmits the measured data wirelessly via the gateway to the cloud. 

  • Measurement error 2-5%

  • No limits of compatibility

  • Radio connection via gateway

  • Easy installation

  • 2 inputs

  • 5 years battery lifetime


Airsense monitors temperature and humidity in the room/building



Intensity of light (LUX)

The sensor is designed to measure the indoor Lighting quality. The sensor is battery-powered and transmits the measured data wirelessly via the gateway to the cloud. 

  • Measurement error 2%

  • No limits of compatibility

  • Radio connection via gateway

  • Easy installation

  • 1 input

  • 3 year battery lifetime


Lightsense monitors light intensity in the room/building.



Temperature (°C)

The sensor is designed to measure indoor temperature. The sensor is battery-powered and transmits the measured data wirelessly via the gateway to the cloud. 

  • Measurement error 2%

  • No limits of compatibility

  • Radio connection via gateway

  • Easy installation

  • 1 input

  • 5 years battery lifetime


Thermosense monitors temperature in the room/building.

Thermosense Waterproof


Temperature (°C)

The sensor is designed to measure outdoor temperature. The sensor is battery-powered and transmits the measured data wirelessly via the gateway to the cloud. The sensor is battery-powered and transmits the measured data wirelessly via the gateway to the cloud.

  • Measurement error 2%

  • No limits of compatibility

  • Radio connection via gateway

  • Easy installation

  • 1 input

  • 5 years battery lifetime


Thermosense waterproof monitors outdoor temperature.

Thermosense Tripoint


Temperature (°C)

The  sensor is designed to measure temperature from 3 points. The sensor is battery-powered and transmits the measured data wirelessly via the gateway to the cloud. The sensor is battery-powered and transmits the measured data wirelessly via the gateway to the cloud.

  • Measurement error 2%

  • No limits of compatibility

  • Radio connection via gateway

  • Easy installation

  • 3 inputs

  • 5 years battery lifetime


Thermosense tripoint monitors temperature in 3 points. Waterproof.



Movement (binary state)

The sensor is designed to detect the presence of movement indoors. The main measured data is the number of recorded movements. The sensor is battery-powered and transmits the measured data wirelessly via the gateway to the cloud.

  • Measurement error 5%

  • No limits of compatibility

  • Radio connection via gateway

  • Easy installation

  • 1 input

  • 3 years battery lifetime


Motionsense monitors movement in a room/building.



Water presence (binary state)

The sensor is designed to detect flooding. The main measured data is the presence of water detected by a probe. The sensor is battery- powered and transmits the measured data wirelessly via the gateway to the cloud.

  • No limits of compatibility

  • Radio connection via gateway

  • Easy installation

  • 1 input

  • 5 years battery lifetime


Floodsense detects floods.

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